
freewheeling diode中文是什么意思

  • 续流二极管



  • 例句与用法
  • By removing the two freewheeling diodes of the basic zvs pwm h - fb tl converter , a capacitor - clamped zvs pwm h - fb tl converter is obtained in this paper , and a new control strategy is proposed for the novel converter . the novel
    本文还提出了一种电容箝位型zvspwmh - fbtl变换器,它是在基本zvspwmh - fbtl变换器中去掉两只续流二极管得到的。
  • Power fast recovery diode , which is abbreviated to frd , is one of the key devices in modern power electronic technology . in the power electronic circuits , frd is usually parallel connected with three - end power devices as their freewheeling diode
    高压功率快恢复二极管(以下简称frd )广泛地应用于电力电子电路中,作为续流二极管与三端功率器件并联使用,是现代电力电子技术中的关键器件。
  • All the power devices including main switches and auxiliary switches are in soft - switching condition ( zvs or zcs ) , while the freewheeling diodes are turned off in zero current condition . besides , the control of resonance between inductance and capacitor can be easily realized without needing of setting the threshold values of the inductance current
  • Three parallel - parallel type cttfcs is studied and compared in this paper . the performance of the cttfc with coupled inductor is similar to that with sharing freewheeling diode while coupling coefficient is one , and similar to that with sharing output capcitor while coupling coefficient is less than one and the converter working ccm
  • 推荐英语阅读
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